Caramel Praline Tart

praline tart 2

A variation on our extremely popular salted caramel tart, our caramel praline tart is a crisp sweet party case (organic flour, French butter, local free-range eggs & sugar) filled with a deliciously rich chocolate caramel enriched with double cream, topped with our home-made praline.

This tart was so popular at the market that there wasn’t much left to photograph!


Flourless chocolate cake

flourless choc cake

Almost every time we do a farmers market, we have someone ask us for something that’s gluten free.  Our kitchen is not a gluten-free kitchen so we can’t label things as being gluten-free, but we can make things with gluten-free ingredients.

So, at the last farmers market, we made a wheat-free flourless chocolate cake.  Lots of eggs, lots of chocolate and quite a few hazelnuts were used in the making of this cake, as well as French butter and brown sugar; the result was delicious.  We even had one customer getting in touch afterwards asking if we’ll be making one for the next market in a month’s time!  We think this one is a winner!

Hot smoked salmon tart

smoked salmon tartWe love to work with local suppliers and Margate Smokehouse is just one of these.  Based in a small unit in Margate, they source good quality local ingredients and smoke them to perfection in their custom built smoker.

Their hot smoked salmon is delicious and we use it in our hot smoked salmon & potato tart.  A crisp short crust pastry case (Shipton Mill organic flour and French unsalted butter, cheddar cheese and local free-range eggs) is filled with locally grown potatoes, hot smoked salmon & spring onions, all held together with more eggs and double cream.  It certainly is a winner when we sell it at market!

Treacle Tart

treacle tart

Our treacle tart is extremely popular.  Adapted from an award-winning Masterchef recipe devised by a top chef, it is sweet, sticky, and is delicious either on it’s own or served with custard or cream.

A sweet pastry case with a filling of locally sourced bread, taking only the crumb and not the crust.  Lashings of golden syrup and enriched with double cream and local free-range eggs from Monkshill Farm

Pistachio & milk chocolate cake with cake pops



Two layers of pistachio flavoured sponge, sandwiched together with a white chocolate French buttercream and covered with a milk chocolate ganache.  The cake is finished with 12 chocolate cake pops which have been covered with white chocolate and sprinkled with bright green pistachio nuts

choc & pistachio top

Carrot cake

carrot cake 2

We haven’t yet tried our carrot cake on the market stall but we recently made one for a private customer and thought we might try one on the stall soon.  The recipe we use is actually an alternative wedding cake which we’ve tinkered with a little bit.  Taking inspiration from one of our favourite coffee shops, we finished the cake off with a scattering of caramelised walnuts & pistachios.  The frosting is cream cheese

Cocktail Cakes

mojito cheesecake

We’ve developed a few cakes based on cocktails for one of our regular customers – Mojito cheesecake (above) is just one.  Creamy cheesecake topping set on a base of crushed biscuit, with an infusion of lime, mint and white rum, and topped with a lime, mint & white rum jelly

Tom Collins cocktail cakeOr there’s the Tom Collins cake – light sponge with a lemon & gin flavoured syrup, topped with a lemon & gin glace icing and finished with cherry & lemon

dark & stormy







Or the Dark & Stormy.  This is a moist, sticky ginger cake topped with a dark rum fudge icing and drizzled with Belgium chocolate

Coffee and walnut cake

coffee & walnut

Our coffee and walnut cake is no ordinary coffee and walnut cake.  It is two layers of coffee flavoured sponge, sandwiched together and edged with a light, whipped French buttercream.  The cake is then edged with hand chopped walnuts and finished with a coffee flavoured glace icing which is then drizzled with rich Belgium chocolate